Friday, January 23, 2009

beliefs: paranormal

Just heard from my father that his friend's daughter is experiencing paranormal events. Seems like she can see a figure of a man walking in and out of her house, i think they will get some lamas to do a puja (or exorcism).

For the past 20 years,i have heard numerous experience of such paranormal activities from different people. There are many who may think that the idea of ghosts and spirits are rather far fetched and would think its a waste of time to even consider it. I have no empirical evidence of these paranormal events,but the more i hear other peoples experiences,the less doubtful i am about it. 

My father has also told me some of his experience...
and i don't think he would have any reason to bullshit about something like that.
He has also mention that certain things happen during is retreat in Namo Buddha. Paranormal events or things that most people would recognize as miracles are quite common to the high lamas of Tibet. I should check that out one day.

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